
Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Managing Moving on Coupon Sunday"

Ah, what a great day. I love 'Coupon Sunday'. Some people have 'Sunday Funday', others have 'Football Sunday', me I have 'Coupon Sunday'. A day where I can plan my attack on grocery stores the day of and in the near future.

Now you must understand that I'm a 'newbie' in the coupon world, but I have an advantage over most 'newbies'. I grew up watching the skills of my mother and her use of coupons, as well as now, getting the knowledge behind the experience of my mother-in-law. I also like to hear the stories of other peoples, I'm not scared to ask. I find that if you see someone using coupons, they are also proud participants of 'Coupon Sunday'. Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not stalking coupon users at the local grocery store, not by any means. But I will take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself (future daughter is going to hate me when we go out, just like I hated my mother -que eye roll - talking to total stranger - agh, what have I turned into?!)

Today was anti-climatic, on one hand I had the joy of going through the Sunday paper, but on the other I had to watch Coach pack away our stuff and leave (I say watch b/c belly and I disagree on lifting and packing right now). I never like to see him go, the visits are always too short, great, but way too short. It always helps though, knowing when I'll see him again. Fortunately, it will only be a week that I'll have to wait this time unlike this past time where it was at least 3.

The good news is 'Coupon Sunday' was another successful day. Between reviewing the local grocery store weekly ads and reviewing previous and new coupons, I was able to save $20. Now $20 may seem like I spent a lot to get to that savings, but after my savings my grocery bill was only $55. I would say not bad, especially since I've been trying to stock up on items like soup and baking needs. I know I'm going to need soup in the winter time and right now the stores are having great sales plus the use of coupons (that's right tag teaming the sales with coupons). I also have unrealistic idea that while baby is sleeping I'll want to bake (we'll see how well that works out).

Now the key to enjoying 'Coupon Sunday' (outside of reaping the rewards of saving) is to relax and take your time. Now, 'time' is an important key to relaxing and enjoying yourself during the 'hunt'. A lot of people don't have the time. They are so busy that sitting and spending time going through the Sunday newspaper seems almost impossible. My advice would be to pull the coupon books out of the newspaper and put them to the side. While you are sitting, watching t.v., go through the booklets during the commercials. You don't have to do it on Sunday, the coupons last for weeks to months on end. Regardless of when you go through the booklets, make sure you create an environment of relaxation. Sunday morning while drinking your coffee is a great example. Hey, you have to plan out your weekly meals anyways, right?! why not plan with the coupons?!. If you know you use an item but don't need it that week, wait for a time in the near future when it's on sale and tag team the sale - hit it 'em up with the sale price plus the coupon, bam! extra savings:) Talk about feeling good!

There is just no point in not using the coupons, it's free money! Remember, strategy is key. If you don't like thinking in minor weekly savings, think long term. If you manage to save $10 to $20 by using coupons every week, imagine what you could do with your monthly savings of $40 to $80. You do that every month and at the end of the year you could have saved $480 to $960. What would you do with that extra money?

Here's to happy hunting and great savings!

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