
Monday, October 24, 2011

Attempting to grow garlic and herbs...

So with this tough economy and my current need to do something, I have decided to give my green thumb a try. It's mid-October in the New England area (and really everywhere else in the world;) which means its cold, and only going to get colder. So, to feed my desire to plant, and plant now (I'm not very good at waiting when I get an idea) I have decided to plant in pots.

I love basil, and garlic, so that's what I'm going with. I had seeds for basil, from a Triscuit box, and all you need is to pick up a clove of garlic from your local farmers market or grocery store. So, all I needed was to invest in some pots and potting soil. Easy, peasy! ( I say that now but let's actually see if they grow first).

So, below is my garlic planting experience. I'll try and update with pictures once a month until they are ready to harvest in the summer.

The cloves. I have a combination of Elephant Garlic and Regular Garlic. Can you tell which is which?!

The Elephant Garlic.

Just to put it in perspective for you...

Regular garlic

To really put it in perspective!

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